To work with strings, Java provides three final classes String,
StringBuffer and
StringBuilder. In this chapter, we will look more deeply at the most commonly
used methods provided by these classes.
String class is provided in java.lang package. It provides various constructors
and methods to create and manipulate String objects. Objects of String class are
immutable, i.e., once the object has been created and initialized, it can not be
changed later. Every method in the class that appears to modify the contents of
a String object, actually creates a new object having modifi ed contents and the
existing object becomes unreferenced.
Creating String Objects
A String object can be created using:
- String literals
- Constructor functions
1)Using String Literals
Using a string literal is the easiest way to create String object.
As shown below:
String str1 = “HELLO”;
The above statement creates a String class object having “HELLO” and its
reference is assigned to str1 reference variable. As shown below:
If you assign a new string literal to reference variable: str1, a new object will be
created and the existing object becomes unreferenced. As shown below:
Operators + and += can also be used to create String objects. Java does not provide
operator overloading like C++ but + and += operators are already overloaded in
Java for String class only.
For example:
String st1 = “REAL”;
String st2 = st1 + “ JAVA”;
As a result, a new object will be created having contents “REAL JAVA”, as shown
Consider the following code:
String st3 = “HELLO”;
st3 += “ JAVA”;
Since String objects are immutable, now reference variable
st3 will refer to
new object having “HELLO JAVA” and the existing object becomes eligible for
garbage collection, as shown follows:
2)Using Constructor Functions
The String class provides the following commonly used constructors:
- String( )
This constructor creates an object which is initialized to empty.
- String(String object)
It creates an object having contents same as the String object passed as
For example:
String s1 = “India”;
String s2 = new String(s1);
System.out.println(s2); //India
String(char[ ] array)
It creates a new object which is initialized with the contents copied from array
passed as argument.
For example:
char ar[ ] = {‘J’, ‘A’, ‘V’, ‘A’};
String ss = new String (ar);
System.out.println(ss); //JAVA
String(char[ ] ary, int startIndex, int count)
This constructor consists of three parameters:
char [ ] ary: Specifi es the array as source of character to be copied in the new object.
int startIndex: Specifi es the index value from where to start
int count: Specifi es the number of characters to be copied.
For example:
char[ ] ary = {‘R’, ‘E’, ‘A’, ‘L’, ‘J’, ‘A’, ‘V’, ‘A’};
String st = new String (ary, 4, 4);
System.out.println(st); //JAVA
String (StringBuilder obj)
It creates a new String object from a
StringBuilder object.
String (StringBuff er obj)
It creates a new String object from a
StringBuff er object.
String(byte[ ]ary)
It creates a new String object from the array of bytes passed as arguments.
String(byte[ ]ary, int startIndex, int count)
It creates a new String object by copying count number of bytes from an array
of bytes starting from index startIndex.
For example:
byte [] b = [65, 66, 67, 68];
String s = new String (b, 1, 2);
System.out.println(); //BC
- String toUpperCase( )
- String toLowerCase( )
The method toUpperCase()converts lower case characters to upper case and
toLowerCase()converts characters to lower case. If none of the characters are
changed, both methods return reference to the same String object, otherwise
returns new String object.
For example:
String S1 = “SST”;
String S11 = S1.toLowerCase( );
System.out.println (S1 == S11); // false
String S22 = S1.toUpperCase( );
System.out.println(S1 == S22); // true
String[] split(String regExp)
This method returns an array of String objects on the basis of regular expression
pattern (regExp) passed as argument.
For example:
String s = “Hello Java Hello Programmers”;
String[] sa = s.split(“ ”);
for (String v : sa)
The statement: String[] sa = s.split(“ ”); , can be replaced with the following code also:
String [] sa = Pattern.compile(“ ”).split(s1);
int length()
This method returns the number of characters in a string.
For Example:
String S = “Real Java”;
int l = S.length();
System.out.println(l); // 9
int indexOf(int character)
This method returns the index of fi rst occurrence of the character passed as
argument. It returns -1 if the character is not presented in the string.
For Example:
String s1 = “Real Java”;
int index = s1.indexOf(‘a’);
System.out.println(index); // 2
int indexOf(int character, int startIndex)
This method fi nds fi rst occurrence of specifi ed character. It starts search from
specifi ed index (startIndex).
For Example:
String s1 = “Real Java”;
int index = s1.indexOf(‘a’);
System.out.println(index); // 2
int indexOf(int character, int startIndex)
This method fi nds first occurrence of specifi ed character. It starts search from
specifi ed index (startIndex).
For Example:
String s = “Real Java”;
int indx = s.indexOf(‘a’, 3);
System.out.println(indx); // 6
int indexOf (String str)
int indexOf(String str, int startIndex)
The first method starts search of argument string from zero index, whereas
second method starts searching from specifi ed startIndex.
For Example:
String s = “Step by Step”;
int indx1 = s.indexOf(“Step”);
System.out.println(indx1); // 0
int indx2 = s.indexOf(“Step”, 2);
System.out.println(indx2); // 8
String substring (int startIndex)
This method returns a new String object containing substring that starts from
specifi ed startIndex.
For Example:
String s = “Sun-Soft Technologies”;
String ss = s.substring(9);
System.out.println(ss); // Technologies
String substring (int startIndex, int endIndex)
This method returns a new String object containing substring that starts from
specifi ed startIndex to the endIndex-1.
For Example:
String S = “Sun-Soft Technologies”;
String SS = S.substring(4, 8);
System.out.println(SS); // Soft
char charAt (int index)
This method returns a character at specifi ed index.
For Example:
String s = “India”;
char ch = s.charAt(2);
System.out.println(ch); //d
void getChars(int startIndx, int endIndx, char[] dest, int desStartIndx)
This method copy characters from String object into an array of characters.
It starts reading characters from specifi ed startIndx to endIndx-1. These are
copied in destination (dest) array starting at
For Example:
String s = “Sun-Soft Tech”;
char ch[ ] = new char[4];
s.getChars(4, 8, ch, 0);
for(int i = 0; i < ch.length; i++)
char[ ] toCharArray()
This method copies all characters from string object to an array of characters.
For Example:
String s = “Real Java”;
char[]ch = s.toCharArray();
for(int i = 0; i < ch.length; i++)
boolean isEmpty()
This method returns true if the length of the string is zero(0)
else return false.
For Example:
String s = “James Gosling”;
int compareTo(String object)
This method compares the contents of invoking string object with the string
object passed as argument. Characters are compared lexicographically. It
returns a value +ve, -ve zero.
The zero(0) value means both strings are same.
The +ve value means that the invoking object is lexicographically greater than the other string
The -ve value means that the invoking string object is lexicographicall less than the other string object.
For Example:
String s1 = “ABCDE”;
String s2 = “BC”;
int v1 = s1.compareTo(s2);
System.out.println(v1); // -1
The above code prints -1 (ASCII of ‘A’ - ASCII of ‘B’) which means that
s1 is less than s2.
The above code prints 1 (ASCII of ‘B’ - ASCII of ‘A’), which means that
s2 is greater than s1.
The following program sorts a list of strings using compareTo() method:
//program to sort a list of strings
public class Sorting {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String[] list={“BANANA”,”APPLE”,”ORANGE”,”LICHI”,”GUAVA”};
for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++)
{ for (int j = 0; j < list.length-1-i; j++)
{String temp=list[j];
System.out.println(“Sorted List of Strings:”);
for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++)
Sorted List of Strings:
boolean equals (Object obj)
The equals()method is a member of java.lang.Object
class. It basically
checks the reference equality but java.lang.Stringclass override this method
for content equality. If the contents are same than it returns true else false.
For Example:
String s1 = “Real Java”;
String s2 = “Real Java”;
System.out.println(s1.equals(s2)); // true
String concat(String str)
This method creates a new string object by joining the contents of invoking
string object and argument object.
For Example:
String s1 = “Real”;
String s2 = “Java”;
String s3 = s1.concat(s2);
System.out.println(s3); // RealJava
In the above code, s3 refers to a new string object containing the contents of s1
and s2 objects,
creates a new string object containing “RealJava” but
its reference will not be stored anywhere, however, the contents of object s1remain same (“Real”) due to immutable nature of string objects.
But,If we write: s1 = s1.concat(s2); then it generates new string object containing “RealJava” and its
reference will be stored in s1. As shown below:
String trim()
This method removes spaces from the front and the end of a string.
For Example:
String s = “ Hello ”;
System.out.println(“Before :*” + s+ “**”); //Before:* Hello **
s = s.trim();
System.out.println(“After:*” + s + “**”); // After:*Hello**
String replace(char existingChar, char newChar)
This method replaces all occurrences of existing character with the new
character passed as arguments and returns a new string object.
For Example:
String s = “Banglore”;
String s1 = s.replace(‘a’, ‘A’);
System.out.println(s1); // BAnglore
String replaceAll(String target, String replacement) This method replaces all substrings that matches the target string with replacement string.
For Example:
String s = “two one three one”;
String s1 = s.replaceAll(“one”, “four”);
System.out.println(s1); // two four three four
String s2 = s.replaceAll(“[AEO]”, “*”);
System.out.println(s2); // B*NGL*R* C*MP. *DUC*TI*N
Conversion from primitive values to string objects
String class consists of various static overloaded forms of
to convert primitive values to string objects.
Some of them are listed below:
static String valueOf(int)
static String valueOf(float)
static String valueOf(char)
static String valueOf(boolean)
static String valueOf(char[])
static String valueOf(double)
For Example:
int i = 7;
float f=2.4f;
double d=3.4;
boolean b=true;
String s1 = String.valueOf(i);
String s2 = String.valueOf (f);
String s3 = String.valueOf(d);
String s3 = String.valueOf(b);
String s4 = String.valueOf (new char[] {‘B’, ‘C’, ‘E’});
static String valueOf(Object)
For Example:
class Rect
{ int L=5, B=10;
public String toString()
return(“L=” + L + “B=” + B + ” Area=” + L * B);
class demo{
public static void main(String list[])
{ Rect r=new Rect();
String s5 = String.valueOf(r);
System.out.println(s5); //L = 5 B = 10 Area = 50.
The StringBuffer and StringBuilderclasses are like String class, but their
objects are mutable, i.e., their contents can be modifi ed through certain method
Overloaded forms of insert() and append() methods, provided in these classes
make them more useful when regular changes are to be made in the character
sequence. Its append() method adds characters at the end of the string and insert()method adds characters at the specifi ed index.
The StringBuff er class is a thread safe class. The methods of this class are
synchronized, whereas StringBuilder class is not thread safe. The StringBuilder
class should be preferred over StringBuff er class because it is faster than as it
does not perform synchronization.
StringBuilder Constructors
- StringBuilder()
It constructs an object without characters in it but creates an array of characters (char[] value) having room for 16 characters. A
StringBuilder object also consists of a variable count, that tracks the number
of characters the array consists of. It takes zero value by default. The value of
count variable increases as the characters are inserted or appended in the array
of characters (char[] value).
- StringBuilder(int length)
It constructs an object without contents. The initial capacity is set to the length passed as argument.
- StringBuilder(String str)
It constructs an object initialized to the contents of the specifi ed String argument. The initial capacity will be the length of String argument plus 16.
For Example:
StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(“SST”);
The initial capacity of object will be 19(3 + 16).
StringBuilder Methods
StringBuilder class provides some new methods to append, insert and delete
characters in existing StringBuilder objects, which is not possible with String objects.
Appending Characters:
StringBuilder class provides various overloaded forms of append() method to add characters at the end of the array of characters.
- StringBuilder append(String Str)
- StringBuilder append(boolean b)
- StringBuilder append(int i)
- StringBuilder append(double d)
- StringBuilder append(fl oat f)
- StringBuilder append(char ch)
- StringBuilder append(char ary)
For Example:
int i = 7;
float f = 3.2f;
char c = ‘A’;
boolean b = true;
char []ca = {‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’};
StringBuilder all = new StringBuilder(“*”);
System.out.println(all); //*73.2AtrueABC*
Inserting Characters:
StringBuilder class consists of some overloaded forms of insert() method.
- StringBuilder insert (int pos, String str)
- StringBuilder insert (int pos, char ch)
- StringBuilder insert(int pos, boolean b)
- StringBuilder insert(int pos, int i)
- StringBuilder insert(int pos, char []c)
- StringBuilder insert(int pos, double d)
- StringBuilder insert(int pos, long l)
- StringBuilder insert(int pos, byte)
For Example:
StringBuilder bl = new StringBuilder(“Java”);
bl.insert(0, “Learn”);
System.out.println(bl); // LearnJava
System.out.println(bl); // Learn Java
boolean t = true;
int v = 6;
bl.insert(5, t).insert(9, V);
System.out.println(bl); //Learntrue6 Java
Deleting Characters:
StringBuilder class provides the following methods to delete the characters:
StringBuilder deleteCharAt (int index)
This method deletes a single character at specifi ed index given as an argument.
StringBuilder delete (int start, int end)
This method deletes all these characters from start index up to end-1 index.
For Example:
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(“Java World”);
System.out.println(sb); //Java orld
sb.delete(4, sb.length());
System.out.println(sb); //Java
Creating String object from StringBuilder object:
The characters of StringBuilder object can be copied to String object using
toString()method. The toString()method is also overridden in StringBuilder
class. It returns a String object containing contents from
StringBuilder object.
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(“Hello”);
String s = sb.toString();
System.out.println(s); //Hello
Using equals( ) with StringBuilder objects:
StringBuilder class does not override equals()
method to match the characters
of two objects. Therefore equals() method of StringBuilder
objects checks the
reference equality and not the content equality. So the contents of
object should be converted to String object using
toString() method.
For Example:
StringBuilder s1 = new StringBuilder(“Hello”);
StringBuilder s2 = new StringBuilder(“Hello”);
System.out.println(s1.toString().equals(s2.toString())); //true